CSP Exam Study Group – Tulsa ASSP
Study with the ASSP! Anyone who would like to prepare for the CSP exam is welcome.
Those who already have their certification are encouraged to attend to give pointers and guide the group.
Starting February 20th, one hour sessions will be held every Tuesday at 7:00pm for 4 to 6 weeks.
Virtual Call In Details
Microsoft Teams meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 211 561 557 856
Passcode: V4KhAH
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New Videos on Whistleblower Protection Under OSH Act Section 11(c)
OSHA has released two new videos titled Retaliation for Speaking up is not OK: Whistleblower Bite-Sized Rights explaining whistleblower protections under the paragraph 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). The videos are available in English and Spanish.
OSHA Region VI and Luis Acevedo contributed invaluable support for this project.
Professional Safety Journal

Each peer-reviewed issue of Professional Safety offers practical guidance, techniques and solutions to help occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals identify hazards, protect people, prevent injuries, improve work environments and educate management that investing in safety is a sound business strategy. Annual subscription is included with your membership.